210.9 Seconds
210.9 SECONDS show is moving on to an engagement at The City Hospital in Saskatoon.
It is a limited edition collection of fine art photographs produced on canvas. The collection, studies light, colour and movement through camera exposures of one second or longer. The exhibition showcases the talents and works of a select group of Saskatchewan artists studying under the guidance and mentorship of photographer, artist and educator Lori Maxim. Featured artists: Julia Bewcyk, Nicole Ferguson, Gina Iannuccilli, Reg Jeannotte, Brenda McBride, Shelley McDougall, Donna McIntosh, Dianne Mursell, Dwila Nixon, Meagan Rae, Kevin Selby and Lori Maxim
Below are just a few images from this exciting show. To see more please check our Facbook page.
Flowers In Her Garden #2 by Reg Jeannotte
4 Seconds
12 x 36″
Tempest by Nicole Ferguson
20 Seconds
33 x 24″
Water Under the Bridge by Kevin Selby
2.5 Seconds
36 x 11″
Living Sky #2 by Meagan Rae
1 Second
12 x 36″
Eat There Not Of by Brenda McBride
87 Seconds
36 x 20″
Blue Serenity by Dianne Mursell
.8 Seconds
36 x 24″