More Seasonal Art

Spring in Flight by Catherine Macaulay
watercolour on aquabord, 11 x 14″

Night Shift by Miranda Jones, oil and metallic leaf on paper, 34 x 30″.

Warthog Skull Table by Jamie Russell, maple, ash, antler and glass, 93 x 46 x 54cm.

NY 20/40 by Andrew Valko, 37 x 33″, linocut and Run Ragged by Larry Trask, soapstone carving.

Gentle Soul by Kathy Bradshaw, 24 x 30″, oil encaustic and oil stick on wood panel.

Box of Secrets by Jan Corcoran, 36 x 48″, mixed media

Architecture Fully Developed 1 of 2 by Cameron McKay. Acrylic and cedar on canvas, 24 x 30″

Summer’s Foliage by Gary Miller, oil on canvas board, 20 x 32″